It is easy to get information online these days! Your bank balance, calendars, and even your friend contacts are available with a few clicks of a mouse or taps on your phone. But when it comes to your home value, there is a lot that goes into your home value than what a computer can calculate.


Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) determine a value based on your square footage, the sales price and price per square foot of homes that have sold nearby, but even in a neighborhood where all the homes were built by the same builder at the same time, there can be a wide variety of variables which cause the current market price to rise or fall.


For example, what about the view? What about the landscaping? What about upgrades that are not reflected in the property information such as a cabinet wood upgrade or new flooring? The AVM probably doesn’t have this information and therefore, may change your home’s value by tens of thousands of dollars.


The bottom line is you need a real estate market pricing expert to provide you with the most realistic price range for your home. That is where I come in!
